The National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa, Inc

 Y. Youth

Youth Guidance (Xinos -Females & Kudos-Males) Grades 9-12

HUB Parents

KOT (Kappa Omicron Tau) College Guidance Group

E. Education

Scholarship_ National , Regional, Perpetual, Local


* Computer

*Reading Power, Tutoring - Reading in content areas

* Flip

* Touch-A-Child


Professional Development / International Realations, Sisterhood

* Teach A Rama

* Leadership Training

* Current Academic Civil RIghts issues and trends

S. Services


* International- Africare

* National Sickle Cell, Meharry Hospital

* Local

* Children's Projects

* Support Services - Senior Teachers/ Second Careers/ R.S.V.P

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