The National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa, Inc


It was on Palm Sunday, April 1923, that Miss Gladys Merritt discussed the possibilities of a sorority Chapter in Jersey City. Of the eight teachers who attended, only one declined. Friday came and they voted in favor of a permanent organization which was incorporated by a Newark attorney, J. Mercer Burrell.

Dr. G. E. Cannon, Mr. J. L. Merritt, Mrs. Lottie Cooper, and Mrs. Estelle Morris became their trustees.

The date of incorporation was May 23, 1923 which has become our Founders´ Day. The Sorority spread from the East to the South, Midwest, Southwest, Far West, to Liberia in West Africa, and Barbados,West Indies.

                      Our Founders

  • Dr.Gladys Merritt Ross *

  • Julia Asbury Barnes *

  • Dr.Florence Steele Hunt *

  • Dr.Gladys Cannon Nunery *

  • Ella Wells Butler *

  • Mildred Morris Williams *

  • Edna McConnell *

  • Marguerite Gross *

* Deceased

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